New Kérastase Fusio Dose – Prescriptive Hair Remedies
Kérastase has introduced a new Fusio Dose – the most prescriptive, professionally active, advanced in-salon hair Rituals to help remedy multiple hair needs, for true hair beauty.
This luxury in-salon experience is bespoked to your prescriptive hair needs and is blended for you by your stylist following a thorough hair diagnosis.
Get ready to transform the condition of your hair in just five minutes with results that can last up to five washes. With over 20 possible combinations for personalised hair needs, it’s the ultimate quick fix problem solver for all hair types.
The Zappas Salons
Three Steps to Your Personalised Hair Transformation
The fast effectiveness of the treatment relies upon Kérastase’s new optimized Fusio Dose formulas. The most effective active ingredients for hair are meticulously selected for their fast action on the fibre and are isolated in their purest and most concentrated state for truly unprecedented hair transformation in just five minutes.
1. A Kérastase Hair & Scalp Profiler is used to give you an advanced diagnosis on your scalp and hair needs. This diagnostic tool measures and magnifies the hair fibre up to x600 times and helps to provide your most accurate prescription.
2. Depending on your needs, your hair stylist will create a bespoke blend for your hair needs. This includes a mix of one prescriptive concentrate with one prescriptive booster.
3. The treatment is sprayed on to the hair and enhanced with a hair massage to work the formulation into the hair. After five minutes, the treatment is rinsed out and hair will have taken the ingredients it needs for improvement due to the advanced micro-emulsion technology that penetrates deep into the areas of the hair where the treatment is needed.